You can add over 16,000 worldwide financial institutions to your Wealth Hub on This includes investments, bank accounts, loans, credit cards, mortgages, real estate, and insurance associated with an institution.
You can add an institution on the website by clicking the “Add” button on the home, Wealth Hub, or Manage pages. (While adding institutions in the Bernstein Private Wealth mobile app is not yet available, we are working on offering that functionality).
You can remove an institution by clicking on it within the Manage page and then clicking the “Remove Institution” button on All data from this institution will be deleted from Bernstein. This institution can be relinked at any time.
You can hide an account by clicking on its institution within the Manage page and then clicking “Settings” next to the account’s name from either or the Bernstein iOS app. Hiding an account will hide its data from your Wealth Hub. You can unhide it at any time.
You can see the accounts you’ve hidden in an institution by clicking on this institution within the Manage page on either or the Bernstein iOS app.
You can hide an account by clicking on its institution within the Manage page and then clicking “Settings” next to the account’s name from either or the iOS app. You can revert to its original name at any time.
Bernstein obtains balance information from your externally connected institutions once daily. When you open a new account within an institution directly, you will see it reflected automatically in your Wealth Hub the next day.
Information related to your external accounts is provided for informational purposes only. It is provided by third parties, including the financial institutions where your external accounts are held. Bernstein does not verify that the information is accurate and makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. Additional important information about Wealth Hub is available in the Wealth Hub Terms & Conditions by clicking “Terms of Use” in the bottom right-hand corner of any page within and then on “Wealth Hub Terms & Conditions” in the “Terms” section of that page.
The last updated time will appear on your Wealth Hub page on and the Bernstein iOS app under the name of each account.
You can block your Advisory Team from seeing all information within your Wealth Hub by going to and clicking My Profile on the navigation bar, then selecting the “Disable” link next to “Visible to Bernstein.” On the Bernstein iOS App, go to More > Wealth Hub >and toggle the “Visible to Bernstein.” Note that Bernstein Technical Support will still have access to your Wealth Hub in case you need help with anything.
Bernstein requires that you accept the latest Wealth Hub Terms & Conditions in order to link financial institutions, as we have changed aggregation providers.
You can see a copy of the Wealth Hub Terms & Conditions by clicking “Terms of Use” in the bottom right-hand corner of any page within and then on “Wealth Hub Terms & Conditions” in the “Terms” section of that page.
Bernstein’s coverage extends to over 16,000 financial institutions from around the world. Please contact your Advisory Team if you don’t see your institution.
Bernstein obtains balance information from your externally connected institutions once daily. If there was a balance change intraday, you may not see it reflected in your Wealth Hub until the next day.
If Bernstein had an issue connecting with one of your institutions, an alert tooltip will be displayed next to that institution’s name. Clicking on it will allow you to see the issue’s details.