What’s the best way for people to put their wealth in perspective?
What you can afford, what you need and what you want often mean different things to different people. What I have discovered is that every client I work with wants to understand the complexity of their wealth and answer the question: “What am I missing?”
Helping clients put their wealth in perspective and answer critical questions is one of the most satisfying and rewarding parts of my role as their advisor. The best way for my clients to put their wealth into perspective is through a process of deep discovery and empathetic listening and understanding. This process leads to empowerment where the client sits in the driver’s seat and fully realizes the impact of the wealth that they have created.
When clients understand their impact, they can put their wealth in perspective and understand what it means for them and for their families or the organizations that they care about and want to benefit.
Tell me about the types of clients you work with.
Family is the foundation of my practice. I work with multigenerational families, family businesses, entrepreneurs, and families experiencing divorce. My clients come from a diverse set of backgrounds and circumstances but they all value deep connection and world-class advice.
If you didn’t work for Bernstein, what else would you be doing?
In my early twenties, I had the opportunity to work for a wilderness therapy program in the mountains of Utah. We guided groups of teenagers through the wilderness for 8 or 10 days at a time depending on the season. It was our job to keep them alive and well and also to make headway with the soft skills that their in-program therapists had prescribed for them and the group. The experience was transformative for me. Not only was I able to earn some money and be outside at the same time, but I was in a position to really make an impact in the lives of some young people who for one reason or another were at an inflection point in their lives. I still keep in touch with a few of my students from that time who’ve gone on to lead productive and happy lives. I learned about myself and others in ways and in an environment that I’ve not been able to replicate since. Although rewarding, I eventually moved on to a career and a family of my own but never forgot what I learned there. If I wasn’t at Bernstein, I might still be working in the mountains in Utah.