What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein for as long as you have?
Ever since my glory days of playing with the #1 ranked college baseball team, I have always aspired to play with the best. Bernstein is a firm that is constantly improving to better meet the needs of our clients. One of my favorite aspects of the firm is that no two days are ever the same. I love coming to work every day to help clients navigate new challenges. Seeing their lives evolve and watching them reach their goals provides purpose and meaning to my work. At Bernstein we have a culture of collaboration where people genuinely root for each other and are always there to offer a helping hand. I’m proud to work for a company that truly puts its clients first.
What is the most fulfilling aspect of being an advisor to your clients?
The most gratifying part of my job is seeing clients empowered to execute their custom financial plans. It’s an amazing, hard to describe feeling to be a part of your clients’ success. That success is uniquely determined by each client and may include gifting money to charities, selling a business or aligning investments with your social beliefs. Whatever the goal may be, I thoroughly enjoy every element of helping clients create the best plan. While I certainly enjoy giving financial advice, I’m also thrilled when a client comes to me for guidance that has nothing to do with money. Being that trusted person who they feel they can tell anything to is a great honor.
If you didn’t work at Bernstein, what else would you be doing?
I coached baseball nights and weekends for ten years and loved it. I am a huge sports fan and highly competitive, so coaching perfectly complements my wealth management career. The skills I learned playing sports growing up, such as discipline, teamwork and determination, also made me a better wealth manager. I was fortunate to have great coaches growing up. And I want to inject confidence into the amazing people I meet as my coaches did for me. Yet, while my initial intention was to positively impact the players, I never imagined the impact they would have on me! I have been particularly inspired by one young man who rode the bus for three hours each morning to get to baseball camp. I’ve been deeply touched by his commitment, grit and industriousness.