You will receive a notification indicated by a banner at the top of the screen as well as by a purple number next to the Notifications button on the top ribbon of the screen. Additionally, the purple number next the Documents button on the top ribbon of the screen indicates the number of documents that are awaiting signature. To access the documents, click on the Documents tab and you will go to a list of all outstanding documents.

You may have pop-up blockers on that are not allowing you to proceed to your documents. Go to your browser setting and select to always allow pop-ups for this website. Return to the Docs to Sign tab and click on the document envelope again. You should now be able to access the documents. If you cannot, please reach out to the Help Desk at +1 914-993-2560.

If the document is listed with “(Waiting for Others)” next to it, you will not be able to access the document yet. This occurs when the document you are signing has other parties signing as well. The primary signer is the party responsible for filling in all applicable information on the document. Once they have completed and signed the document, it will flow through to all other signatories. You will receive an e-mail when the document is ready for your signature on At that point, the hyperlink will turn blue and you will be able to click it to access your document.

Documents will be signed using a third-party vendor called DocuSign. Since documents will be signed in DocuSign, another tab must open to launch the DocuSign platform.

A new e-signature consent is required for the first time you complete documents online using DocuSign, even if you have previously consented for other online signatures. After your first login, you will not be asked to consent again unless a change is made to our e-signature consent policy.

If the document you are expecting has multiple parties signing it, it may not appear for you because the “primary” signer has not yet completed it. The primary signer is the party responsible for filling in all applicable information on the document. Once they have completed and signed the document, it will flow through to all other signatories. You will receive an e-mail when the document is ready for your signature on If you were expecting another document that did not have any other signers, please reach out to your Advisor or sales team.

Yes. You will be able to change any of the information that has been pre-filled on the documents. You should review all information to ensure accuracy prior to signing the document.

Yes. Within the signing session, there is an “Other Actions” dropdown on the top right-hand side of the screen. Selecting “Finish Later” will save everything that has been completed up to that point, and close your signing session. When you return to complete the documents, log into, go to the Documents tab and select your envelope to complete. When you click back into the document, you can resume where you left off.

If your session timed out due to inactivity or an error, close out of the timed-out browser tab. Return to the Documents tab and your document envelope will be visible in the Documents to E-Sign list. Clicking the hyperlink for the envelope will bring you back into your signing session where you can complete and sign the documents.

You will be forced to complete all required sections, which are outlined in red on the documents. You will only be allowed to finish the document once all required fields have been addressed. If you have completed all required fields, you may be getting fields kicked back to you because of formatting. There are certain fields such as Social Security number, phone number and date of birth that require a specific format. Please check to make sure you have entered everything correctly before finalizing the document. If you are still having trouble, please reach out to your client service team or to the Help Desk at +1 914-993-2560.

If you have not signed and completed the document, you can return to any section to make edits as necessary. If you completed the document and submitted it, you cannot make edits to it. Please reach out to your FA/client service team for help. If necessary, they will resend you the document.

After you have filled in all required fields and click the “Finish” button, you will receive a landing page that confirms your signing session is completed.

Once you arrive on the landing page confirming that your signing session is complete, close out of the current browser tab. will still be open in a separate browser tab. If your session timed out, you will need to log in again with your credentials to gain access to the website.

If the other signers completed the document before you, their signatures will be visible to you on the signature lines when you are completing the document. If they signed after you have already completed the document, you can view the progress in the ‘Signed Docs’ tab. As documents are signed, the most up-to-date versions are saved within this tab, so you can go in and view who has signed the document at any time.

If documents that have been posted for your signature are no longer applicable, please contact your Advisor or client service team. They will be able to remove the documents from the website for you.

Yes. Within the Documents tab, there is a link called ‘Signed Docs’ on the left-hand side of the screen. Clicking this will bring you to a list of all documents you have completed. Clicking on a document's hyperlink will bring you to a read-only PDF version of the completed document. For envelopes, by clicking the “+” sign next to the hyperlink, you will see each individual document you signed within the envelope.