Live From New York, It’s The Big Stage with Kenan Thompson

Audio Description

Before landing D2: The Mighty Ducks, Kenan Thompson couldn't even roller skate. Now he adds finesse on the ice to an impressive list of life's accomplishments. As the longest-running cast member in Saturday Night Live history, Kenan has spent the past 17 years making us laugh from week to week. He stops by The Big Stage to reflect on his journey from child actor to sketch comedy savant and Emmy Award winner. What are some key lessons he's learned along the way? Kenan describes why the job of being a comedian today is hard but as necessary as it's ever been. 


00:08 - 00:43

Hi, everyone, and welcome to The Big Stage podcast, where we talk to athletes, artists, and entertainers about their lives and impact. I'm your host, Adam Sansiveri, Bernstein Managing Director and Co-lead of Sports and Entertainment. Today I'm also joined by Bernstein wealth advisor, Grammy Award nominee, and former music executive Dan Weisman. Over the past 15 months, we've had a lot of amazing guests on this show, from Super Bowl-winning quarterbacks to Grammy-winning musicians, to NBA team owners, and even top Olympians.

00:43 - 00:48

But I have to admit that I'm the most excited I've been for our guest today. Why, you might ask?

00:48 - 01:19

Well, probably because I can't think of anyone who has brought as much joy and humor to our society as he has. He is known as a sketch comedy savant, has been making people laugh since he was a little kid, is an Emmy Award winner, and has spent the past 17 years making our Saturday nights the best night of the week. It's my real pleasure to say this: Live from New York, it's The Big Stage with Kenan Thompson. Kenan, thank you so much for joining us. Man, my pleasure.

01:19 - 01:49

What an intro. That was, that was pretty severe. I thought I was I was up when you were saying the Grammy nominated, but then, I was like, wait, did I get a Grammy? Am I on the right show right now? We're so excited to have you here. And I want to start from the very beginning. You are one of the few stars in history who has graduated from being a successful child actor to an adult with seemingly no problems. Thinking back on your journey, does it feel that way to you?

01:50 - 02:52

No, it was definitely a journey, beginning with my mom and dad. We got started at the very beginning, the esteemed, wonderful Father Sam. You know, I was cast in my first role and my first major, you know, actual professional gig, you know, and then he introduced me to Brian and Mike and they took me to the Nickelodeon. So I have a lot of credit and debt to the Weisman family for sure. But yeah, you know, and on through the Nickelodeon years, there was a couple of years in between that and getting this SNL. So that was definitely another chapter of journey-ism, you know what I mean? Just being a working actor, trying to get a gig, auditioning for everything under the sun, getting some, auditioning for a lot more and getting a lot more no's, and kind of having to thicken the skin up, as well as being on top of your bills and taxes and all that good stuff. And being in California away from my family and my family's all pretty much like East Coast.

02:52 - 03:26

So it was definitely an interesting adventure. It was tough at times and it was great at times. And, you know, I wouldn't necessarily like take it back for the world, you know, because it made me the man that I am. But, you know, if there was an easier way of doing things, had I would have known I would have taken [...]. Sure. But yeah, just getting to SNL and holding on to it the way I have, it's actually been my pleasure to do so, you know. And so it's a great work environment, even though it's extremely stressful and emotional. It's just a very cool gig. So.

03:27 - 03:47

Well, we're definitely going to come back and talk a little bit more about that. But before we do, take us back to that moment of that big break with Mighty Ducks. And I know Dan has something to show you. So I'm just curious, in that moment, if you can remember what that big break was like. And for our listeners who can't see the screen, Dan's got a Mighty Ducks jersey, he's holding up right now.

03:47 - 04:14

But it's a very rare version with the new logo, with the old colors that it was. That's a, that's a double entendre there. Yeah, yeah. It's the new logo with the old colors like that was always kind of like an asterisk duck just because that came in in the second one. So there's a couple of us that were only in the second movie, if that were the new generation while the generation was still new.

04:15 - 04:45

But it was such a special thing because I couldn't even roller skate before that movie, you know what I mean? And now I'm like playing hockey into hockey, can ice skate and like always wowing people when it's time to skate, when the Christmas tree goes up at Rockefeller Center or wherever, there is like, oh, man, he's like zipping around, you know, when we're way nights or whatever. When we used to do that on SNL and I'm like the only one like really skating and everybody else wobbling or just standing in place or whatever. And I was like, yeah, you got to remember I'm a mighty duck, bitch.

04:46 - 05:07

That's great. That's great. Yeah. It's just really, really good times. I have my 15th birthday on the first day of hockey camp, which was a nightmare. But fast forward a couple of movies later, a couple of hockey camps later. So it's all good. And they're getting free tickets to a hockey game by the... off of that, basically.

05:07 - 05:31

I read online that you went to try Tri-Cities Magnet School, which has a number of very notable alumni, including Andre and Big Boi from Outkast. Walk me through the environment at East Point at that time and what it was like and moving from there to Los Angeles and Orlando to pursue D2 and all that. Yeah, I mean, I was at Tri-Cities, and the timetable, you know, all that and Mighty Ducks happen

05:31 - 05:48

while I was still in private school at Woodward Academy, and I was in College Park as well, but that was a much different experience from Tri-Cities, which was like a public school in like 98 percent Black. It was East Point, which is College Park adjacent. And the three cities and Tri-Cities is College Park, East Point, and Hapeville.

05:48 - 06:10

And hey, you know what I'm saying? So it's like the same area, just two very different experiences. Private school, public school. So when I started and I was booking my first gigs, I was still in private school. But after I got on Nickelodeon and did a season or whatever, I was starting to miss school. So they tried to make me choose between acting and their school.

06:10 - 06:34

So I ended up going to Tri-Cities like, I was like, all right, well I guess I'm done with that because they take the attendance record very seriously, way too seriously for me to, like, pass up all these awesome experiences I'm experiencing. So I heard that one of my outside of school theater leaders, directors, I was in this theater group called the Youth Ensemble of Atlanta.

06:34 - 07:01

He was teaching at Tri-City. So I was like, all right, cool. I go over there. He was teaching drama. I was like, wow, that's kind of what I want to do anyway. It was a magnet school, like you said. And like, if you don't know, the magnet program is in Georgia. It's like they specialize in certain things. Some is performing arts, some is mathematics, science, whatever. And it depends on the school, whichever one has whatever specific program and tri cities had a performing arts magnet program. And one of my mentors was teaching there, I found out. So I was like, yeah, cool, I'll go there.

07:01 - 08:04

First day of school was awful, you know, because drama was seventh period and I'm a nerdy ass kid coming from private school or public school. And I had like six different classes that I was just way, you know, I never had to dress myself. So I just looked way out of character because I bought this like plaid and like this green plaid square vest and short set that was very California kind of ice cube-y or whatever. But it did not fly over in Atlanta at all, also, nobody's wearing shorts in the fall in Georgia. So it's just like, yo, what are you doing? And I could not have been more uncomfortable. And I didn't know anybody and I didn't make any friends, really, because I was really quiet and shy. And then seventh period came around and I saw my one buddy that I remember from my theater group outside of school. And then he introduced me to everybody. And from that moment on, the rest of my high school experience was going. So touching on that time period in your life,

08:04 - 08:15

a recent study revealed that today, seventy five percent of kids ages six to 17 want to become a YouTuber. And that's changed a lot since we're kids, I'm right around your age.

08:15 - 08:22

Did you want to be an actor, a comedian, or just famous when you're a kid? I wanted to be a performer. I knew that.

08:22 - 08:47

Like I enjoyed, you know, what Eddie Murphy and Arsenio and Dan Aykroyd and all those people were doing, like I enjoyed the pursuit of making people laugh, even though I wasn't necessarily a joke teller or necessarily a room grabber. I thoroughly enjoyed saying something and watching somebody, like, really, really laugh hard at it, you know, and... I don't know.

08:47 - 09:04

It started with requoting other things and just kind of performing things that, you know, like, quote, in coming to America from front to back for people or whatever. But just to see that people can enjoy a performance like that was....Yeah, it was it was addictive pretty pretty early.

09:04 - 09:23

Well, you've certainly hit that goal of making people laugh your whole life. As the longest running cast member on SNL now, your time has spanned four presidents and you've had one of the most prolific sketch comedy careers of all time. So I'm curious, looking back, did you ever see yourself on SNL when you were younger?

09:23 - 09:46

No, we used to talk that jive, you know, I mean, I'm pulling out jive. I'm going to make, you know, what we used to say, like, yeah. Oh, that we're the SNL for kids and stuff like that. We never really thought it would happen. I never thought I'd be able to audition. Just seemed very far fetched. New York seemed like a far fetched idea because we went from Orlando to California.

09:46 - 10:19

So, I mean, it just seemed very mysterious. I'm thinking one more question on that time and we'll move forward. As you were making a lot of money as a teenager, I bet a lot more than most teenagers probably should be. So what life and money lesson would you go back and share with a teenage Kenan? You know, just watch it all, basically, watch everything and watch the people that are in your life too, you know, and like, that's the most important thing. Like, I've never really, I've never really been that extravagant. You know, I'm pretty mellow and low key or whatever, but who doesn't like nice things, you know?

10:19 - 10:38

So if you start surrounding yourself with nice things that are coming at you in a faster pace than you can appreciate them, then you should probably slow it down because, you know, you'll have a nice car and then, bust the axle on it, not paying attention, and now you've got to move on to another nice car, that's kind of a waste of a nice car, you know what I mean.

10:38 - 11:05

You could have let that Mercedes kind of last as opposed to crashing it and then getting your money out of it, or just understanding that you don't need a depreciating Mercedes in the first place. All those kinds of wisdom moments I would have loved to have had, but at the same time had a good time in that Mercedes. Well, there was a real nugget of wisdom in there. I want to make sure people heard that. If you are accumulating nice things faster than you can appreciate them, you're probably going too fast. That's really good, Kenan.

11:05 - 11:23

I think so, man, you know, it's in one ear and out the other when you're a kid, you know. But if you can say it loud enough, enough times, maybe it'll stick to somebody. Lately I see a lot of people getting a lot of things really quickly and kind of learning the same lesson over and over again. But the severity is a bit different.

11:23 - 11:55

You want the best thing for your kids and you want them to have, you know, especially if they've earned it in whatever way it was, like just because it's a new concept, that a YouTube person can become famous overnight doesn't mean it's not valid. You know what I mean? They still have money in the bank and they have a creative output or likability, you know, like anybody that's further down the road of professionalism or whatever, you know what I mean? So if you can instill an appreciation for those things, then, yeah, you should have it all, you know, like ball out.

11:55 - 12:17

I'm not here to stand in anybody's way of having a Bugatti. But just know when you crack that, you know, I don't know. You need, like, one little device that they only sell in packs of 16 or whatever. It's five thousand. You know, it's like know about these things before you go too far, I would say. That's great.

12:18 - 12:34

Hey, Kenan, you have a reputation of being a true student of comedy. In your 17 seasons on SNL, you've seen so many people, some of the greatest comedians, actors, musicians of our time just come and go. What are some of the things you've learned from that very unique vantage point?

12:34 - 12:54

I mean, it's, you know, as a cast member, it's how to cater to personalities, you know, to get the best out of the week because it's their week, you know what I mean, and you want them to feel as comfortable as possible, but also know that we're there to service them and not ourselves. You know that I'm a big cheerleader of that, basically.

12:54 - 13:19

So figuring out ways to communicate to people that you're going to score in this, even though I might seem like I'm doing all the talking or whatever, you're going to score in this, you're going to score in this next sketch, you're going to... you know what I mean? The overall night is going to be yours, so. Figuring that out and also, just like you said, having that front row seat to experience the greatness in all these talented people, you know what I mean?

13:19 - 13:34

It's just been incredible. I also like something I don't want to rush away from because I feel blessed to even be in the scene. So who am I to even question whether I should leave it or not? Do you have a favorite host or a week that sticks out of all these years?

13:35 - 14:09

I have a few, yeah. Like between Dave and Tom Hanks and, you know, any previous cast member that's ever come, they're always a lot of fun because they get it and a lot of them are just good fun people anyway. And I know a lot of them, been through the mud with a lot of them. So it's just a fun, celebratory kind of week for people that I have a very, very near and dear place in my heart for. So that's always nice. Famous people wise, like Dave Chappelle and Tom Hanks were way up there, and Regina King recently.

14:09 - 14:12

She was amazing. That was a great episode. Yeah.

14:12 - 14:26

So you're married with kids and living in one of the most expensive cities in America. How have you crafted your life around being a star of SNL and then staying up too late on Saturday nights and being probably at work way too much? Like, how have you built your life around that?

14:27 - 14:41

I mean, I give a credit to my wife. You know, like she really holds things down and allows me to kind of blossom in the way I've been blossoming professionally lately. So I give her all the credit in the world.

14:41 - 15:10

And my girls are great. Surrounded by love. Like, you know, anybody that's ever loved me over the years has been more than happy to extend that to them, you know, in the forms of whatever they need, babysitting, this, that and the other, just being around, you know, parties and you know what I mean, like it's just that kind of family environment that I've always held kind of close to my experience in this world, like I've always been close to my parents and their families. And they're from small town Virginia, you know what I mean?

15:10 - 15:44

So it's all very like, our little village is where we go forward with. So I've never really felt like I'm out there like kind of flying solo. And dear wife and kids think you're funny or is that just reserved for the rest of the world? They are definitely funnier than I am. I don't know. Somehow when I became a father, I became immediately lame. Every joke's a dad joke. Exactly. Just a lot of shorts and black socks. So my wife is due in two months with our first and I'm already wearing the shorts. Thank you. I'm already wearing the shorts and the black socks and the Air Monarchs.

15:44 - 16:13

So I think I've like, I've hopped on it early. This just flies out of you immediately. So just get ready for that. I'm overly concerned with things that people have explained already. This is... just one more time. Let me just make sure... you feed them every day. OK, I got it. And next, he's is going to be wearing that Mighty Ducks jersey. And then you're going to be like, Dad, you're wasting our time. I can't sit and watch a whole movie. No way.

16:14 - 16:30

Getting back to being a little bit more serious for a second, I always like to ask these next two questions to our guests because of the type of listeners we have. Looking at the financial perspective, Kenan, what's the biggest financial lesson you've learned over a very successful thirty-plus year career?

16:30 - 16:50

Like I said, just like watch the numbers, you know, and watch the people that are dealing with your numbers. You know, like a lot of people want to make it easy on you and handle a lot of different things for you or set you up with auto pays. And those are nice conveniences to have. But it's easy to treat the numbers like they don't exist. And that's when you're getting into a real problem.

16:51 - 17:19

I mean, like I know it's just digits on a screen or whatever, but they mean things, you know, and your credit score means things. And your relationships with financial people means things as well, you know, so it's all about networking and it's all about paying attention to what you have, what you're getting, and what's going out. Great advice. And at what point in your life did your philanthropic vision start to crystallize as you became as successful as you are?

17:19 - 17:46

I mean, once you get burned, you want to make sure others don't get burned either. You know, I had a bad accountant growing up, someone who kind of like sweet-talked my mother into a situation of controlling my shit and ended up burning me severely. So I kind of like restarted from scratch in my adult years when I'm also supposedly famous, you know what I mean? So. I always never really minded having a humble hat on, but that kind of forced the issue. You know what I'm saying?

17:46 - 18:46

So I will never probably, regardless of what I have pertaining to this point or beyond, will start to like, lose myself in the fact that I have these things now. You know what I'm saying? I've just once you've been to the bottom floor, it's like, all right, I know where that is. And a lot of people probably spin like crazy in fear of ever going backwards, you know? I mean, I don't have that kind of fear, basically, like, I'll be fine no matter what happens from this point on, you know what I mean? And that's just knowing what it's like. But that philanthropy kind of started with like I don't want anybody to ever experience that, it's foul, you know what I mean? And it's sad because it happens all too often, even as much as I've been preaching. It's still going on with different people or whatever. So I say it even louder, you know, I mean, like pay attention to your things, like your things are your things, your parents' things are their things, your siblings things are their things. Pay attention to your things.

18:46 - 19:20

And taking it a step further on the philanthropic lens, are there any organizations or causes that you've gotten involved with to support your community? Oh, tons. I was just talking to my friend. She started this app called Paid Meals, where you can pay for a meal for somebody so you can hit up a restaurant and they can go to a restaurant and pick up a meal, basically. So it kind of skips the handout of... or the, I don't know where my money is going when you give money to somebody on the street or whatever. Now you can do a real exchange, and you know, that is going to help that person in that specific way.

19:20 - 19:55

And that's a cool one. No Kid Hungry is another one, but they're are much larger, you know, establishment or whatever. But I've been involved with them back and forth. My one buddy on [...] has a foundation for his son called the Christian Rivera Foundation. His son passed away from a brain tumor called DIPG. And they're doing a lot of research and trying to find a cure, basically. And they've been doing some great forward kind of experiments that haven't necessarily been government-stamped yet. But they have saved a couple of lives so far with experimental kind of procedures and stuff like that.

19:55 - 20:05

So we continue to do fundraisers for them every year; a natural history museum, just because I know a supporter of them. So we have that gala every year.

20:05 - 20:37

So, yeah, a lot of those things that hit home, Boys and Girls Club, whoever. You're not only one of the greatest Black comedians of all time, but one of the greatest of all time period. And with the recent uptick in the conversation around race in America, walk us through the differences between being a Black teenage comedian in America to just being an adult comedian now. What has and hasn't changed in the business? Well, I mean, Jaleel made it very clear. Jaleel White is one of my dearest friends.

20:37 - 21:08

And when he was coming through the game, he said it was very clear, like he never really thought about going to the Emmys. You know what I'm saying? He was like, that's a very specific side of the business that they don't really pay attention to our people for, unless you're like, you know, the one in a million kind of stand out, obvious, like Eddie Murphy type of a star, whatever. It never even crossed his mind to even worry about going to the Emmys or whatever. And that's wild to me because we're the same age. And I got in the game probably five years after he did.

21:08 - 21:32

He was there to witness that tone at the time. And when I got into it, yeah, it was a little looser because Nickelodeon kind of had its own world. So I didn't really think about even being in the adult world. I was fine being the king of the kid world or one of the princes of the kid world. And we had kids choice in the big help. And like all those kind of versions of things where all the adults from that world would come to our stuff anyway.

21:32 - 22:04

And so I was like, all right, cool. So I didn't really feel shunned necessarily, I just felt like in the kid world, right? So then as I grew to be an adult, that's when I really, you know, it became a factor of, are the police following me for a specific reason? And that was real life kind of instances that have nothing to do with being an actor or being a comedian or anything. It is about being Black in America, you know, and at that point and that's when it got real and it was like, all right, well.

22:04 - 22:23

Realness needs to reflect in what I'm doing on screen as well. So when we were able to get up to things like Black Jeopardy and still be able to put comedy in it, that is, I think, the top of the mountain. We're doing social commentary at a high sketch level, like that's the best.

22:23 - 22:53

It's insanely harder even now compared to two years ago, just because, you know, as people wake up more and more and more, you realize terminologies, territories, categories, categorization in general isn't necessarily helpful for society. But it's always one of those easy go-to things when you're trying to build a joke, you know, because when you want to perform for a large group of people, they need to kind of all overall understand what you're talking about.

22:54 - 23:20

And a lot of those terms help those who don't necessarily have an in-depth knowledge of what you're talking about. So when you have to, like, start redefining terms and not everything, is it just takes too long to get whatever it can be distracting, and that makes comedy that much more difficult, basically. So that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be done, though, because the consequences on the other side of that coin are pretty dire, you know what I mean?

23:20 - 23:41

We're having to change terminologies because people are dying. They're getting superduper mistreated over miscommunications. And misinformation. So the job of a comedian now is insanely hard, but as necessary as it's ever been. Which is wild. So kudos to the ones that are doing it well, because they're really highly intelligent people.

23:42 - 23:58

I want to ask another question sort of off that. You made a decision a few years ago to no longer play Black female characters on SNL because there was not enough representation on the cast. How was that conversation received initially and was it handled immediately?

23:58 - 24:20

Like what was... walk me through that. It was easy,, it was like, it was a text, you know what I mean? It's like I feel like I've done the lady thing a lot, you know what I'm saying? And it's about time to kind of, you know, can we ask somebody else to do this? It's not that I'm uncomfortable doing it. I'm uncomfortable in the reliance of it, which would not allow for others to come and have an opportunity. You know what I'm saying?

24:20 - 24:34

And I didn't find that to be very fair. And I was out of gratitude toward me, you know, I mean, it was nothing but like a love shout-out because they wanted me to do all these things for them, which means that they like what I do, you know, I mean, which is nice.

24:35 - 25:02

But at the same time, I felt like, yeah, that was definitely a lane that needed to be like opened up for female performers, you know, I mean, I can't just keep doing a lady character, meanwhile we don't have... like I can see if we had a cast of ladies and I had the best lady impression for that lady, you know what I'm saying? But since we didn't, I felt like we just needed to fill that void.

25:02 - 25:29

And I'm glad we did because we've had some amazing people come through there. And from Leslie Jones to Ego and Punky, now, you know, and, you know, Michael Chabon coming through in those years. And, you know, it's just been Jay Pharoah, it's just been a great, you know, kind of flooded showcase of new voices and new opportunities, which can only be a good thing.

25:30 - 25:32

Sideband, the little thing.

25:32 - 25:57

I recently started rewatching Family Matters, and I literally Googled, has Jaleel White won an Emmy? Because when you go back and you rewatch that, it's like you don't realize that it's a kid, just how good he was. I don't even know if he was ever nominated. He was never nominated. It's wow to me. Like I've been nominated however many times, you know, and I won.

25:57 - 26:07

And like, he, you know, it's definitely on his shoulders, you know what I'm saying? It's on the shoulders of my friend, which I don't take lightly, you know, and I don't ignore either.

26:07 - 26:25

I know he's a brilliant performer and I know he wants to pivot out of that, you know, in some sort of way. But if it doesn't happen, then whatever. I also know he's made his peace kind of with that and is off doing a million other things as well. But at the same time, I do know he's a brilliant performer, you know what I mean?

26:25 - 26:44

And nothing worse for a performer than to not be able to have that creative output. So I want him to stay encouraged and figure out a way to just do, you know, more unrecognizable stuff to where we are used to seeing his face no matter what and don't associate him with his past so much.

26:44 - 27:01

Kenan, other actors describe hosting SNL is one of the most intense weeks of their life. I think you actually used that word when we first started this conversation. As the most tenured person on this show, how does that pressure feel different from the first season to your 17th season?

27:02 - 27:21

I mean, it's not even like night and day, it's like 50 nights and a day. Like, it's wildly different because when you get the job, no one actually has the time to sit you down and be like, OK, this is exactly how everything is going to go, you know what I mean? Like, they almost do the opposite and kind of just throw you in it.

27:22 - 27:39

And some people kind of are aware because they might come from an improv background. And one of those improv houses, Second City,  Growlers or whatever, you kind of have a better knowledge of the writing process of it all and presenting ideas and pitching and stuff. But I didn't have that, so on Mondays and Tuesdays

27:39 - 28:11

I was super lost. I didn't understand what pitching an idea to a host was or taking meetings with writers and seeing who was available for the writing night the following night, just to make sure I can get something in the show on Wednesday at the table and the whole like hustle of the machine, basically. And then as the week goes on, everything else that goes into like, oh shit, my sketches and now I'm in charge of what does the set look like? What are the costumes look like, what are the wigs look like? What is the sound effects cues? What is the props?

28:11 - 28:34

You know, I mean, like every department is a meeting that Wednesday night or whatever, and then you rehearse Thursday and Friday and Saturday. So like it is a wild learn on the fly type of a situation that everybody goes through and handles differently. So for me, my first couple of weeks, I was super lost, you know what I'm saying? Like, I was like Monday, Tuesday, I don't know what to do.

28:34 - 28:53

I would say probably my first year or so, you know, just because I had to learn what my tone of sketch was after, number one, 38, 39 years, no, 29 when I got in. So 29 year history of sketches, but also like

28:54 - 29:27

The most prolific Black sketches have been done, and then Dave Chappelle just came out, you know, I mean, so sketch comedy for Black, you know, sketch comedy was really like really, really, really sharp at that point. So I was like, you know, what can I do that is going to be on the level of the Bruins that Dave is putting out, you know, I mean, which is crazy to try to think about because the first two seasons of Dave Chappelle are probably the greatest in first two seasons in sketch comedy history outside of SNL. You know, I mean, so and in living color, I guess.

29:28 - 29:30

Awesome. Kenan, this has been so much fun.

29:31 - 30:04

Dan and I just have two very simple final questions for you. I wanted to ask you, what's one thing in life that you splurge on? One thing I splurge on is, you know, conveniences, whether it's flight surroundings, just the conveniences of going someplace and feeling at home as soon as possible, basically. So whether you rent places or you have, not necessarily a timeshare, but just a hook up on something, you know what I mean, in the way I go about getting there is what I splurge on, basically.

30:04 - 30:22

And my final question is, what's your good burger order? My good burger order? [...] Kenan, Dan, thanks so much for joining me on The Big Stage. Really appreciate it, man. My pleasure. My pleasure.

30:22 - 30:55

Thanks for having us both and thanks for this reunion once again, 8 years down the road. But before that it was, what, maybe 24. No. Actually ran into you at the Snakes on the Plane premiere in Hollywood, which, which I, I copied my friends invite at Kinko's and snuck in. Amazing. I ran into you and you were very nice. And I think you're with your mom, if I remember correctly. Yes, that's right. I was. That's amazing. I remember that now. That's wild. Awesome.

30:55 - 31:03

We'll hopefully we'll see you again very soon, Kenan, thanks so much. Absolutely, man. Thank you. Thank you all for listening.

31:03 - 31:31

This has been The Big Stage. If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to subscribe, please go to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, please e-mail us with your thoughts, questions, and feedback to And be sure to find us on Twitter and Instagram at BernsteinPWM. Bernstein: Making money meaningful for individuals, families, and foundations for over 50 years. Visit us at

Adam Sansiveri
Senior Managing Director

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