
Noah Schlesinger

Advisor Headshot

Passionate, prompt, and personal

Being a Bernstein financial advisor allows me to tie together two of my greatest passions in life: capital markets and people.

What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein as long as you have?

Having worked at multiple different firms in the industry over the course of the past decade, I have no doubt that Bernstein’s unique approach to wealth management represents the future. This said, it is the firm’s people and culture that have inspired me to stay. Since my first day at Bernstein, I have been surrounded by teammates who combine intelligence with humility, and mentors who are passionate about my success—including those I am now proud to call business partners. My clients often ask me if I plan to spend my career here and I answer with a resolute: ‘yes!’

What is the most fulfilling aspect of being an advisor to your clients?

Being a student of the capital markets is one of my great joys, which is brought to life by helping my clients navigate their own financial paths, whatever form they may take. Whether I am working with a nonprofit committee to deliver on mission-critical objectives, helping entrepreneurs and business owners navigate each stage of their company’s lifecycle, or building personalized investment plans for multiple generations of a family, I recognize that everyone’s financial goals are unique to who they are as individuals. I truly enjoy getting to know my clients and pride myself on providing thoughtful, creative solutions, with a level of thoroughness you could not find anywhere else. 

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

My mother. While she sadly passed away when I was 21, she was an incredible role model for me during her life and remains so to this day. During a long and successful career as a corporate attorney, she always had her priorities right. My mother worked tirelessly to fight for issues she cared about, turned down an executive position because it would decrease the time she could spend with her clients, and ultimately put her family before everything else. She always seemed to find the right balance, impressing everyone around her in the process.