
Bob Westropp

Advisor Headshot

Good Counsel Honed Through Experience and Research

Over the last four-plus decades, I’ve provided financial advice and counsel to investors, their families and favorite charities. As the leader of a multigenerational financial team, I answer key questions about how to uncover the essence of wealth.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

After 20 years with a leading bank, I found my new home at Bernstein. I wanted to join Bernstein because of the caliber of people that come to the firm from all backgrounds. As I walked into my position, I had the utmost certainty that my colleagues would take the best possible care of my clients. Today, I work with a premiere research team whose focus is providing the best, most well-researched information for our clients and therefore, better financial outcomes. My team combines fiduciary standards of care, to ensure our clients’ security, with world-class analytics and investment research to provide stronger financial results. I believe it takes an integrated team, such as the one Bernstein is known for, to produce top-notch investment results for clients, while also managing the inevitable risk and taxes.

Share one of your most memorable professional accomplishments with us.

One of my most memorable professional accomplishments was having the privilege to understand a patriarch’s dream to provide his children and grandchildren with education and retirement benefits. The gift he wanted to bestow upon his family was well beyond their means. However, through careful, active listening and thoughtful question-asking, I came to understand my client’s dream. Together, he and I created a plan to execute it. The financial analysis process bolstered my client’s confidence to create an estate plan and gift his wealth to the next generation—while he was still alive. Today, my team serves three generations of his family, which is a great feeling and testament to the depth of our storied relationship. It is gratifying to see the multiplier effect of our work on his family.

Which personal accomplishment makes you proudest?

I had the opportunity to serve as the chairman of the development committee at Christ the King Jesuit College Prep, a private Roman Catholic school in Chicago. While serving on the development committee, I helped to raise $4 million to pay down an outstanding mortgage and relieve the overhanging debt of the school. The school’s mission is to prepare inner-city students for college and professional careers. I believe that education is the best passport to a better future. A child’s birthright or zip code should never hold them back, which is why I love volunteering at Christ the King.