Wealth Advisor

Jane Gion Moore

Advisor Headshot

Greater Financial Success in the Future

I am motivated to help families achieve better financial outcomes, lasting legacies, and, my ultimate goal, more successful inheritors. The advice I give goes beyond portfolio construction. It includes education, the right resources—and deep care.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

I’ve been inspired to join Bernstein twice now.

I started my career at Bernstein and left to try something new and explore an entirely different industry. After leaving, I realized that something was missing. I missed building genuine relationships with clients and their families. Perhaps the most enjoyable part of my work is designing strategies for families that allow them to achieve their wealth goals. These goals could include their family’s estate plan, philanthropic efforts or personal business ventures. Yet, what ultimately drew me back to Bernstein’s model is our commitment to always do what’s best for the client—and being able to work alongside colleagues who keep that commitment in their heart.

What is the most fulfilling aspect of being an advisor to your clients?

The relationships that I establish with my clients continue to be the most fulfilling aspect of my job. As someone who grew up in a large extended family, I understand and appreciate family dynamics. I particularly enjoy working with families and helping them to define and articulate what goals they want to pursue with their wealth. Then, after figuring out what those personal, philanthropic and generational goals are, we work together to create strategies that align with those goals. My partner Greg Miller and I believe in working with families in a holistic way to help them achieve a lasting family legacy. To this point, I often extend my reach and work with the second and third generations. With the younger generations, I’m passionate about providing the right education and resources that will lead them to greater financial success in the future.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

I’ve always loved being active for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, I stayed active through youth sports. In college, I played varsity women’s lacrosse. This experience is where I learned the importance of discipline, supporting and working with others and overcoming adversity. Today, I enjoy yoga, running, golf and tennis. I also love traveling with family and friends.