
Matthew McLaughlin

Advisor Headshot

My Focus Is on “Why” We Are Doing What We’re Doing

I learned a long time ago that how you approach anything is how you approach everything. What you do is not as important as how you do it. To stand out from the crowd, I decided to not only be different, but better.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

My path to becoming a financial advisor was a long and winding road. I believe we are not a product of our circumstances, but rather a product of how we choose to respond to them. I’m fortunate to have worked on all sides of the investment management industry, which gives me a multidimensional perspective. My career began on the institutional side of the industry working as a consultant to financial advisors. After seeing many things that I wish I hadn’t, I switched over to private wealth and became an advisor. I liked the altruistic side of advising, which comes in the form of acting in the best interest of my clients.

I chose to build my advising career at Bernstein because of the firm’s ability to stand out from the investment management crowd. Our competitors manage money in a similar, cookie-cutter fashion. However, Bernstein is always on the cutting edge because we are 100% aligned with our clients. Our success comes from having their best interests at heart.

What is the most fulfilling aspect of being an advisor to your clients?

I love what I do. The most fulfilling aspect of advising isn’t crunching numbers. What gives my job purpose is the relationships I form with my clients and their families. I care about what keeps my clients up at night as equally as what motivates them to get out of bed in the morning. My personal values, which revolve around faith and family, have guided me to make the right decisions throughout my life. This is why I am passionate about helping my clients define their distinct mission, vision and values so they can do the same. Accomplishing my clients’ goals and adding depth to their wealth is why I come to the office every day.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

Outside of spending quality time with my wife and kids, I am an avid golfer. I played all throughout college and even had a short stint as a professional player. I still get a thrill from first-tee jitters and playing in top amateur tournaments around the country. I’m also passionate about giving back to the game that has afforded me so much joy, success and life lessons. I repay the gifts golf has given to me by encouraging youth in my local community and throughout the city of Chicago, where I live, to take up the sport. As I tell young people, golf is a game that has instilled character-building life skills in me, which have been invaluable personally and professionally.