Wealth Advisor

Zachary Harris

Advisor Headshot

Bespoke Solutions for More Meaningful Outcomes

Every family’s definition of success differs and is a result of unique experiences and inherited values. I partner with clients to navigate the complexities of their wealth in achieving better outcomes as it relates to their wealth and values.

What’s the best way for people to put their wealth in perspective?

Everyone gains perspective in their own way. Oftentimes it’s influenced by life experience, shared values and messages that we receive as children. My clients come from all walks of life. Some have always been wealthy; for others, wealth is a new, exciting and daunting part of life. No matter the situation, it’s critical that we have meaningful conversations, and I ask the right questions to get to the root of what is important to each person and their family. Lifestyle goals, multigenerational legacy and philanthropic endeavors are the top three ways my clients distribute their wealth. Most clients choose a mixture of all three. After a deep discovery process, during which we discern what they care about most, I implement tailored planning and portfolio solutions to maximize the outcome of their goals. After establishing my clients’ plan, I am always there to tweak, when they need me to, as their lives and needs change.

What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein for as long as you have?

I love that Bernstein provides all of the resources of a big global firm, yet our hallmark is boutique client service. We customize and tailor our service to the individual. While Bernstein’s distinct structure creates this unique blend, it’s the incredible people and culture that is our firm’s biggest driving force. As the classic adage goes, “You are the sum of who you surround yourself with.” The people at Bernstein constantly push each other to evolve by taking on new challenges. We also uphold the highest standard of integrity and care for one another as well as our clients. It’s inspiring to work here. In an industry often plagued by bad actors, Bernstein stands out as a fiduciary. By removing common conflicts of interest, we fully align with our clients’ best interests, and always sit on the same side of the table as them. It’s comforting to know that my family, friends and clients won’t ever turn on the news to see Bernstein cast in a light that I wouldn’t be proud of.

Which personal accomplishment makes you proudest?

My wife and I have two wonderful little boys of whom we are immensely proud. Witnessing the world through their eyes has been a powerful reminder of how wonderful the world truly is. Through the lenses of my little boys, I see the inherent good in human nature and all that we take for granted as adults who are oftentimes caught up in the daily busyness of our careers and life. Fatherhood has also given me an entirely new perspective and appreciation for the work that I do with my clients and their families. This has made my role as an advisor even more fulfilling.