Senior Manager

Dena Altman

Learning New Things Makes Me Feel Alive

My 16-plus years at Bernstein have demonstrated how a culture built around collaboration, partnership and a healthy dose of constructive feedback can inspire someone to thrive in ways they never thought possible.

What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein for as long as you have?

When I joined Bernstein in 2004 as an administrative assistant, I felt at once that I had found my home. The welcoming and collaborative culture resonated with my spirit. Immediately, I wanted to learn as much as possible about the firm and its culture. Fortunately, my colleagues were willing to take the time to teach me. I attribute my growth within the firm to my teammates and the fantastic managers who took me under their wing. Their encouragement gave me the courage to take on new career challenges and push myself to continuously develop my skill sets. This is how I was able to assume my role as an associate and eventually, my current position as a manager, both of which have been rewarding in their own ways. The learning process never ends at Bernstein and, if you are willing to put in the work, there is no limit to what you can accomplish at this firm. I know I will always expand personally and professionally.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

Travel is my passion because I love to explore new countries and study different cultures. Consciously stepping outside of my comfort zone has also expanded my worldview and made me a more compassionate human being. As one would imagine, experiencing and adapting to the norms of different cultures has also translated to my work at Bernstein and made me a more empathetic team member as well. I appreciate how beautifully unique every individual and culture is. A few highlights from my global travel reel include visiting an elephant sanctuary in Thailand, hanging out with the locals in a small fishing village in Greece and taking a recent solo trip through France.

If you didn’t work for Bernstein, what else would you be doing?

If I explored another career path, I would be a teacher. Luckily I incorporate many elements of teaching into my current management role such as helping those on my team identify, develop and reach their goals. The most fulfilling part of my job is partnering with each individual to help them become the strongest professional they can be. I see myself as a coach who can support each person as they identify long-term career goals, and most importantly, celebrate their successes as they master their role. Everyone deserves someone to guide and cheer them on as they work toward their career goals, and this is what I aspire to do.