National Managing Director, Defined Contribution

Halley Love

Actively Engaged with Corporate Plan Sponsors

As head of our retirement plan practice, I work predominantly with small to mid-sized retirement plan sponsors. I ensure clients enjoy the same level of service and expertise as our largest, most sophisticated retirement clients.

What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein for as long as you have?

Twenty-five years ago, I came to Bernstein in order to learn the business from the best. I was drawn to the firm’s centralized wealth management approach. In my mind, it simply made sense to give every client, no matter their asset size, the best thinking that we have to offer. They deserve it.

That sentiment of treating every client with respect has been the central theme of my career track. Before my current role, I had the privilege of managing the training program for new advisors. In that position, I was able to witness firsthand the level of talent, humility, and integrity a centralized approach attracts. In my current role as the head of our retirement plan practice, I am inspired daily by the idea that I get to bring the best of what Bernstein delivers to high-net-worth individuals as well as each and every retirement plan participant, regardless of whether or not they have the means to access our firm’s services. 

What kind of experience do you offer to your clients?

I see myself as a conduit of resources and information for my clients. But I also have a fiduciary responsibility to my clients. I try to offer as personal and empathetic an experience as possible. Together, we benefit from the investment expertise upon which Bernstein’s success is built. 

It’s rewarding to know that I am providing corporate and nonprofit clients with everything they need for their employees to retire comfortably. By serving as a single destination where any tool, research, or resource can be found, we make it easy for plan sponsors to navigate the constantly evolving and highly fragmented retirement market. I personally contribute to the process by customizing plans to each company’s unique needs and then tailoring financial wellness programs to the individuals those plans serve.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

Raising two active boys with my husband as my support system is both my passion and my most important job by far. Side by side, we nurture our kids, providing them with the support they need to successfully pursue their many passions. So far, I feel fortunate to say that their interests complement our active lifestyle. Two to three days a week you can find us skiing, playing sports such as tennis, soccer, or lacrosse, hiking, or camping up and down the East Coast. And even around the world! Whatever the chosen physical activity is, our family likes to be outside together. 

Giving back to the community is also highly important. My husband and I encourage our children to engage in volunteer work at local nonprofits and service organizations. Personally, I care deeply about early childhood education and women’s health initiatives and I am involved with several nonprofits whose missions support those causes.