
Kenneth Lane

Advisor Headshot

My Psychology Background Is Why I Get My Clients

My clients are my family. To protect them I walk toward, rather than shy away from, difficult conversations and focus on the values that my clients care most about. I want my clients to allocate their money in a way that aligns with their morals.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

I joined Bernstein in 2002 as an Equity Institutional Salesperson. My incentive to become a part of the firm was that it is recognized as having the best research on Wall Street and a reputation as one of the most respected and trusted investment experts. While my role changed in 2016 when I became a wealth advisor, my positive feelings in regards to Bernstein have only grown over time—just as I have grown with the company. The culture of the firm that I have come to love is pervasive throughout our offices around the world. Having the ability to partner with colleagues of such high integrity and intellect gives me the utmost confidence that my clients will receive the financial advice and planning that they need. Alongside, and because of the assistance of my colleagues, I am able to thoughtfully tailor my financial advice to meet my clients’ specific needs.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

My biggest passion outside of work is my relationship with my wife, whom I married in 1995, and my three children. Despite everyone’s busy schedule, I’ve discovered that a well-cooked meal has the ability to unite my family for at least a few precious hours. I absolutely treasure these moments in time. Plus, as my family has told me before, no one wants to miss my famous meatballs and ribs, which are just an excuse to bring us all together to have meaningful conversations. Recently, I’ve taken my love of cooking and brought it outside of my home to my charitable work. I am on the Board of Directors of Citymeals on Wheels, a nonprofit organization in New York City that brings food to the homebound elderly population.

What is the most fulfilling aspect of being an advisor to your clients?

I have the utmost confidence that every one of my clients has a portfolio that accounts for their multitude of unique priorities. This goal is achieved by seeing my clients as they are in that moment in time, listening attentively to their concerns with zero judgment or predetermined objectives and, most importantly, asking the appropriate questions. Once we’ve established their priorities, I identify the right team members to surround myself with in order to execute our plan. To do this, I ask myself who is best suited to create that specific client’s custom-tailored portfolio? Together, my team works with the client on a go-forward basis to ensure that any life changes they may experience are incorporated into their portfolio over time.