
Marc Lane

More than an Advisor

I still remember my first passbook savings account and how excited I was to deposit my birthday checks and paper route pay. I also remember the satisfaction I received as I saw the balance in my book grow. Thus, the seeds of a career were sowed.

What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein for as long as you have?

Bernstein isn’t the exact same firm I joined over 20 years ago. Over time, the company has naturally evolved and enjoyed significant growth. However, I continue to be inspired on a daily basis by both my colleagues and our relentless pursuit as an organization to do right by our clients. Bernstein is known for many things, such as our industry-leading research, but it is how we support our clients, especially during the most challenging markets, that I am most proud of. Being a part of Bernstein has given me the unique opportunity to have a real impact on people’s lives. That is a privilege I have never taken for granted—and never will.

How have your values and personal background uniquely positioned you to work with your clients?

My father was 49 years old, with a wife and five kids to care for, when he was diagnosed with a lousy disease and given three to five years to live. I was in college at the time and suddenly thrust into a role I never wanted—preparing to take over Dad’s job of overseeing my Mom’s financial life. It was a very difficult time for our family and, sadly, my Dad lost his battle. However, I worked hard to provide him with important comfort in those last days and prove that I was indeed up to the task at hand.

The demands of that family situation essentially afforded me a crash course in pensions, social security, medical insurance, mortgages, life insurance and investments—while I was still a student. It led to my keen interest in finance. Upon graduation, I enjoyed a successful run as a banker. I then joined Bernstein where I have added to my technical skills, and fed my passion for helping people. In essence, my role at Bernstein combines those two sides of my personality perfectly.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

Outside of work, my world revolves around my family, which includes my wife and our two sons who we are very proud of. We all enjoy each other’s company and share a mutual interest in outdoor activities, sports, travel and just having plain old fun together.

In addition, I have spent the last 20 years as Treasurer and Board member of The ALS Association here in the New York area. ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is the deadly disease that took my Dad’s life. I have seen firsthand its impact not only on the patients but also on their loved ones. My parents instilled in me the importance of giving back, and my wife and I have tried to pass that along to our kids. I’m happy to say that my sons enthusiastically join us in various ALS fundraising activities, and have since an early age.