Wealth Advisor

Richard Murray

Advisor Headshot

I Work with Impact Players to Influence the World

As an advisor, I guide my clients on how to use their investments to create a legacy that they will be proud of. Their end goal is to enjoy the journey of financial freedom and empower future generations.

Tell me about an example of how you helped someone find purpose in their wealth.

My clients trust me to manage their money and provide advice to fuel the changes they want to see in their lifetime. The people I am privileged to advise have worked on everything from the most pressing social issues to revolutionizing age-old industries. I frequently catalyze their progress by leveraging my network of professionals, such as accountants, attorneys, business managers, etc., and institutional knowledge to bring their ideas to life in film, TV, music, books, and the boardroom. For example, I’ve helped clients who came into sudden wealth build out their professional team, vision for the future, and handle the realities of having more money than they’re used to. Through my financial planning, guidance, and tangible results that ensue, my clients find real purpose in their wealth. 

Tell me about the types of clients you work with.

My clients are Entertainers, Entrepreneurs, Endowments and Foundations. They range from successful artists, in front of the camera, to innovative founders, philanthropists and executives using their capital behind the scenes to fuel meaningful change. Many self-identify as first-generation wealth creators and I help them navigate this new world by building trusted relationships. Regardless of their profession, my clients all share a desire to better leverage their platform and I am continually honored when they entrust me with being their advisor.

Which personal accomplishment makes you proudest?

Talk is cheap. In this world you can either be a spectator or step in the ring. I choose the latter and was very proud that in 2017 I fought a charity boxing match in honor of my mom and her battle with pancreatic cancer. Before that event, I had never trained as a boxer or participated in a professional fight. As I trained over the months leading up to the fight, people told me things like, “You’re going to get knocked out”, or “You’re not built to be a boxer.” Yet, despite all the naysayers, I won the match, we raised $1MM that night to fund cancer research, my mom was highlighted in a film on Forbes, and my story was featured in the WSJ. So, whenever I reflect on the match, I’m reminded that any obstacle can be overcome with hard work, focus and dedication, which I bring to my practice every day. I love working with clients who are doers, and I wouldn’t have them expect any less of me.