Wealth Advisor

William Furey

Building Confidence to Focus on What Matters

Being an advisor is about more than my clients’ asset allocations or investment portfolios. I build deep relationships and take a goals-based approach to help them feel confident financially so they can focus on what matters most.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

Like many of my clients, family is my number one priority. The opportunity to join Bernstein came at an inflection point in my life. I had just stopped coaching basketball at Ursinus College and my wife and I had just had our second child.

After more than a decade in wealth management, I’ve now built the foundation for providing clients with the best advice for them in an increasingly complex world. At Bernstein, I can combine my background in goals-based advice with one of the most sophisticated investment platforms in the world. Bernstein has decades of experience helping clients such as business owners and families with multigenerational wealth. With these resources, I help my clients stay ahead of potential issues while continuing to develop myself professionally. My focus is to become a better advisor, husband, and father. I hope to teach my family to be a positive influence in the world just as my clients always put their families first. 

What is the most fulfilling aspect of being an advisor to your clients?

Being an advisor is one of the greatest jobs in the world. Every day I get to help people understand how they are doing, where they want to go, and how to get there while being a sounding board for their questions and issues. So many of my clients are focused on family and charitable causes. When I can help my clients feel confident financially, they can focus on what matters most to them—their family, community, passions or business. Some of my favorite conversations with clients are when they feel secure in their lifestyle and want to start planning their legacy or dive deeper into philanthropic gifting strategies. Most rewarding of all is seeing them reach their goals and being there to help them form new ones.

If you didn’t work for Bernstein, what else would you be doing?

Coaching was my first love. There was no question about what I would do out of college. As a basketball coach, I helped my players reach their full potential. I realized that every one of my players needed a different coaching relationship to be successful. Today, I see many similarities between being a coach and an advisor. Coaching is not just about teaching kids about basketball. It’s also about teaching essential life skills. Being a wealth advisor is about much more than my clients’ asset allocations or investment portfolios. Building relationships is a critical component to being a great coach and a great advisor. The depth of a relationship creates a meaningful and lasting impact.