VP/Director, Core Client Group

Katie Vint

Advisor Headshot

My Greatest joy Stems from People and Numbers

I am by my clients' side as they experience their financial victories and inevitable financial challenges. As their guide, I prudently put the perfect financial plan in place and then, adapt it as their life progresses.

What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein for as long as you have?

After spending several years working in insurance and finance, crunching numbers behind a desk alone, I realized that my enjoyment came from working with people and numbers, not just numbers alone. I started exploring the wealth management field and quickly discovered this was an industry in which I could use both my analytical brain and assist clients as they achieved success in their financial lives. When I found Bernstein, it was a perfect fit: a reputable firm with a strong research-based footing. Yet, most importantly, it was, still is and will always be a firm that puts its clients’ interests first.

Years later, I’ve stayed at Bernstein because of the culture even after having moved across the country from New York City to California. As an advisor, I take pride in truly looking out for my clients’ best interests and knowing this desire will never be compromised because of the integrity at Bernstein.

What is the most fulfilling aspect of being an advisor to your clients?

I believe that health and finances are two areas that can cause great stress in someone’s life. This is why I find great satisfaction in knowing that I can help someone build and execute a financial plan to alleviate some of their stress. Supporting my clients as they plan for retirement, buy a new home or figure out how to take the trip of a lifetime, and then actually seeing it happen, is so very rewarding.

Beyond that, I receive great fulfillment from creating personal relationships with my clients. Getting to know their families, passions and, principally, their dreams and fears helps me be a better advisor to them. By developing a comprehensive understanding of who they are, I configure the perfect plan for them.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

At the moment, my life outside of work orbits around my toddler and helping her explore, understand and engage with the world around her. We live by and love to walk on the beach exploring for hidden treasures. When I do have a few minutes of alone time, which isn’t often these days, I love to read with a cup of coffee or glass of wine. I am on the board of my local alumni chapter for my alma mater, Villanova University, a private school based in Radnor Township, Pennsylvania. My family and I often participate in events and community service projects with this group. Lastly, I’m an avid college basketball fan and have been since I was two. While I did play in high school, I now watch and cheer my favorite teams on from the sidelines.