Senior Manager

Matthew Doone

Advisor Headshot

Coaching for Success

By recruiting, hiring and developing the right people for our top-notch Client Service Team, my team and I serve clients to the best of our ability. As a manager, I am transparent and encouraging to draw out each person’s unique skills and gifts.

What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein for as long as you have?

Simply put, the training at Bernstein and opportunities to grow professionally within the firm have kept me here. As much as we invest in our clients, we also invest in our people. I am someone who enjoys challenges and approaches them with the desire to grow and learn. From day one, as I personally experienced, and now hope to help others experience, Bernstein fosters and develops its talent. It’s with great pride that I say, because of the excellent resources, mentorship and support at the firm, I have grown exponentially as a professional over the last seven years. In particular, I was focused on becoming a better communicator and have seen the impact that it has had on my success as a manager.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

I love being outdoors and staying as active as possible. This is because I am someone who has energy for days! In Florida, where I live and am from, I enjoy kayaking, biking and exercising outdoors. Being a native Floridian, it’s ironic that I picked up a passion for snowboarding. I also love traveling to different countries. One of my favorite ways to experience other cultures is through trying local, exotic cuisines and different outdoor activities. My fiancée has spent the last year and a half working and living abroad in Amsterdam. While that has presented challenges, we’ve made the most out of it! I’ve made several trips over with stops in Portugal, the UK, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. No matter what I’m doing, I hope it’s with my friends and family as they are the most important people in my life. Lastly, I love anything related to Tampa Bay sports. I am happy when cheering on my favorite football, hockey and baseball teams—the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Lightning and Rays.

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

This is an easy question to answer. My father, a wonderful, kind and industrious man, has been the most influential person in my life. He lives to help others. Everyone I’ve ever run into, who knew him, says the exact same thing about his character: how genuine of a person he is. My father is also a book of knowledge, yet, he practices humility and never forces it upon others. Instead, he listens, connects and empathizes. He is also one of the most resourceful and hardworking individuals I know. Lastly, my father always puts family first. As I’m sure you can imagine, I strive to live by his value set as it makes me a better leader and person.