Wealth Advisor

Jacqueline Markoff

Advisor Headshot

I dig deep in order to discover unique solutions for my clients

I am known, among my family and friends, as someone they can come to if they need an active listener and someone to provide rational advice. I approach my client relationships in the exact same way. Along with wealth comes a host of complexities. My ability to really dig deep and truly comprehend my clients’ unique issues is how I build trust and provide solutions to even their most difficult situations.

What has inspired me to stay at Bernstein through the years?

Growing up as a first-generation American in a small suburb of New York City, my family instilled in me the importance of values: primarily integrity and the pursuit of excellence. These principles helped my family start a new life and find success in another country. Throughout my life I have continued to apply these principles in academics and interpersonal relationships and have carried them with me to my work life. From the moment I began my career at Bernstein in 2008, I have felt that the firm’s values were completely aligned with my own.

When you love where you work, you’re inspired to reach further and do better. I feel fortunate that this is my mindset each morning. The longer I’m in the industry, the more I believe that there is no financial firm that has higher morale and ethical convictions than Bernstein—there is nothing more important to the Bernstein team than doing right by our clients. Bernstein continues to evolve and our pursuit of excellent outcomes for clients is what drives this evolution.

What is the most fulfilling part of your job?

In addition to the incredible relationships I’ve built with my clients over the years—many of whom feel like my extended family—what has been most fulfilling for me as an advisor is seeing, firsthand, how the holistic advice I provide to my clients, impacts their families’ lives in a meaningful way. Many of my clients come to me with difficult situations as well as the fear of changing the status quo. By partnering closely with each client’s team of professional advisors, I am able to create a plan that gives them the ability to see how the financial decisions they make today may affect their wealth in the future. This empowers them to take actions we suggest, such as making substantial gifts to their family or charity, starting a new business venture or retiring earlier than they had anticipated. 

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

Raising two young children means that a great deal of my time outside of work is devoted to them. I’ve always known my children had a great sense of humor, but having the opportunity to spend so much time with them during the pandemic has made me see how curious they are about the world and helping in the community. Music is also a huge passion of mine: I studied classical piano for 15 years growing up and actually minored in music back in college. I recently resumed playing the piano as a hobby, which is great for relaxation. I absolutely love it when my kids try and duet with me!