Wealth Advisor

Cameron Cole

The Choices We Make

Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Gratitude is a choice. Whatever choice you make, makes you. Choose wisely.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

I’ve had the great fortune of rejoining Bernstein in Salt Lake City. I started my career as an associate and manager at Bernstein in Washington, DC, where I learned many valuable lessons about wealth management. Family responsibilities and the call of the West returned me to Utah with my growing family. Upon arriving, I looked for a firm that aspired to the ideals I learned while in Washington, DC. Unable to find a company that integrated exceptional service and independent, unconflicted advice, I found myself at a professional crossroads. Thankfully, it wasn’t long afterward that I became aware of Bernstein’s desire to build a presence in Utah. Inquiring further, I was so pleased to learn that the values and ideals that I learned years ago and ingrained in my practice were still the cornerstone of Bernstein’s culture. With that confirmed, it became a matter of when, not if, I would rejoin the firm.

Tell me about the types of clients you work with.

My clients are devoted to their family and community. Like me, they find purpose in family bonds and community involvement. They want better for future generations but recognize that better isn’t necessarily a handout but a hand-up. I advise clients at the intersection where the blessing of wealth meets the complexities of their unique situation. Together, we discover what is important, identify the values that drive meaning, and determine the goals that are central to success. My role is to position financial resources to achieve success. Finally, I believe wealth management is a team sport, so I collaborate with a coordinated group of specialists to deliver advice that is truly aligned with the client.

What passions do you pursue outside of work?

Being a father is extremely important to me. My wife and I have three amazing children and providing opportunities for them to develop and explore their passions is incredibly rewarding. Whether that’s enjoying the Utah mountains, weekends at a soccer tournament, or traveling, allowing them to develop within their own sphere brings me great gratification. Beyond pursuits with my family, I enjoy fly fishing, a hobby I developed as a teen in the rivers and streams of northwest Montana.