Wealth Advisor

Elizabeth Smith Campana

I’m There in Times of Ease and Uncertainty

Back in law school, I would never have imagined that, one day, I would become a financial advisor. Yet, the same compassion and desire to help others that I originally applied to the law is what I bring to my clients every day in my practice.

What inspired you to join Bernstein?

Bernstein was like nothing I had ever come across before. Not only is the firm a leader in terms of client services and investments, but Bernstein has more female senior leadership than I had ever seen in the investment management industry. Typically, a lot of firms talk the talk but Bernstein actually does what they say, which was and continues to be incredibly impressive to me. As a woman who came to finance from outside the industry, I wanted to feel supported in the choices I was making, and Bernstein did just that. I feel very grateful to work for a firm that empowers women, diversity, and is strong and smart enough to hire people from industries other than finance. This is why we evolve as a firm and remain an industry leader.

How have your values and personal background uniquely positioned you to work with your clients?

Values have always been difficult for me to articulate, but like most people, I know what feels right to me. I had the benefit of being exposed to a diverse population of people growing up. Everyone had different ways of doing things, but the common thread that linked us all together was the desire to help and be compassionate towards others. I am very fortunate that this was woven throughout my childhood. I don’t think it is possible to separate who you are as a person, what you do for a profession and how you do it. Each facet of our lives informs the other, as everything is connected. This is why I bring my whole self to work and incorporate my own values as well as what is important to my clients. I pride myself on being there for my clients in times of ease as well as uncertainty. That is what I learned in childhood and bring to my work today.

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

Without a doubt, the most influential person in my life is my son. Though he is only two-years-old, he constantly keeps me on my toes. However, more significant than keeping me active, he makes me want to be a better mother, wife and daughter. I constantly push myself, not only for him, but the world I want him to grow up in. With so much daily change in our lives, I like to think that my husband and I are the constants that he can always depend on no matter what is thrown in our direction. More and more, I find myself in awe of my son’s compassion and curiosity about the world around him. He strives to be the person that he sees in me, which is the most wonderful feeling in the world and keeps me wanting to do better.