
Rick Monfred

Advisor Headshot

Always Available, for Matters Big or Small

I’m always keen to speak with and assist my clients with their most pressing concerns. Solving tangential financial issues or simply maximizing working effectiveness in a portfolio through subtle adjustments is equally as enjoyable to me.

What has inspired you to stay at Bernstein for as long as you have?

Across the entire organization, Bernstein’s dedication is to continuously improve the client experience. This allegiance to constant growth leads to innovation on numerous fronts and creates an environment where advisors are challenged to learn, grow and become better versions of themselves every day. Quite simply, that kind of environment is invigorating and rewarding for me, and highly beneficial for my clients. On a daily basis, I find myself reading both internal and external research in order to maintain a firm grasp on the ever-changing investment landscape. This ranges from blogs to journal-worthy publications. When I look back on the advancements the firm has made over the last decade, I’m beyond proud of what we have accomplished and how we have differentiated our services and solution-based approach.

What kind of experience do you offer to your clients?

I am always on it. This is who I am and how I’m wired, and it translates into daily accessibility including nights and weekends. The work I do at Bernstein isn’t a job. Rather, it represents an opportunity to work with people who I become close to over time, and whose challenges I get immense satisfaction from resolving. My law background lends itself to building relationships by getting to know my clients, and their issues, over time. This is imperative to uncovering the hidden issues behind their questions and dilemmas. By methodically parsing these issues, I can be more effective and help clients come to the correct resolution. What clients oftentimes think is one problem turns out to be a string of related issues that requires careful analysis. This methodical process allows me to help a variety of clients from business owners contemplating selling their companies to multigenerational family members wanting to educate their children, in the best way possible, about wealth.

Who has been the most influential person in your life?

Clearly, that would be my wife, Leslie. She serves as the role model for our extended family and friends, and as a guiding light for me. Ever since we met a long time ago, she continuously displays traits and skills that I find myself trying to emulate: empathy, compassion, unwavering love, an unshakable moral compass and the best common sense I have ever witnessed. Leslie has used her gifts to counsel people of all ages, throughout her life, comfort those in need and resolve conflicts in families and organizations. Through being married to her, I have learned to use these skills to help my clients and friends during challenging times.